Board of Directors


Board and committee members are volunteers who do not receive pay for their services. They are neighbors just like you. They donate their personal time to answer questions, provide information, organize projects and events, and help keep our neighborhood looking nice and running smoothly. They also review and approve construction plans, manage neighborhood social media accounts, maintain/improve horse trails and entrance monuments, monitor legislators for their interest in (and support of) Lynn Ranch, propose plans for neighborhood improvement, and plan special events throughout the year.

President: Breanna Bartolucci

Vice President: Aaron Guttman

Secretary: Pablo Castro

Architectural Chair: Steve Greynald

Treasurer: Danielle Baker

Member At Large: Irina Bufano

Communications Chair: Chris Alexander

Welcome Commitee Chair: Dawn Rosenberg

Breanna Bartolucci and Danielle Baker at the First Lynn Ranch Farmer’s Market.

Our Mission.

The mission of the Lynn Ranch Property Owners Association is to preserve our rural, equestrian atmosphere and bring added value to homeowners, while enhancing property values for all of Lynn Ranch.

The LRPOA Board of Directors shall endeavor to provide an interface with the City of Thousand Oaks, the County of Ventura, and Commercial or Homeowner groups on behalf of the residents of Lynn Ranch.

Clear and open communication with residents, a spirit of community service, and the reliable performance of duties shall be hallmarks of the LRPOA Board in carrying out this mission.



Original Articles.

The purposes for which the LRPOA was formed in 1957:

  1. Primarily and initially to erect, improve and maintain ornamental features now existing or hereafter erected on the Lynn Ranch Property in the county of Ventura, state of California, or in the streets in or bordering upon said property. Wherever used in these articles of corporation, the words “said property” shall be deemed to refer to all of the above described real property.

  2. To improve and maintain such streets, parks and other open spaces, including all grass plots and other planted areas within the lines of said streets, now existing or hereafter erected, in or bordering upon said property, as shall be maintained for public use or for general use of the owners of lots or building sites within said property and their successors and interest, insofar as such costs are not adequately provided for by municipal authority.

  3. To acquire land for parks, playgrounds, tennis courts, swimming pools, a site for a community clubhouse, and other improvements or facilities for the general use of the owners of lots or building sites within said property.

  4. To construct, improve and maintain on said property parks and parkways, tennis courts, playgrounds, swimming pools, and other improvements or facilities and a community clubhouse.

  5. To care for vacant, unimproved or unkept lots and plots, to remove grass and weeds therefrom, and to do any other things necessary or desirable in the judgement of this cooperation to keep said property and the plots therein and contiguous thereto neat and in good order.

  6. To provide for the sweeping, cleaning, sprinkling, and lighting of the streets within or bordering upon said property; to collect and dispose of street sweepings therefrom, and any rubbish, garbages and the like from said property, and to provide community police protection therefor, but only until such time as such costs are adequately provided for by municipal authority.

  7. To pay all taxes and assessments if any, which may be levied by any authority upon the streets and parks now or hereafter opened, laid out or established, and other open spaces maintained and land acquired for general use of the owners of lots or building sites within said property, including taxes and assessments levied on aforesaid ornamental features, tennis courts, and community clubhouse, whether taxed or assessed as a part thereof or separately.

  8. To approve plans and specifications for dwelling houses and other structures to be erected on said property, and to supervise the construction of such dwelling houses and other structures, and to pay the expenses incident to the approval of such plans and specifications and such supervision of construction. To provide for the appointment of, and to appoint Architectural Committee to assist this corporation and all things relating to the matter set out in this paragraph and in such other matters as this corporation by its board of directors may from time to time assign to such Architectural Committee. The members of such Architectural Committee need not be members of this corporation.

  9. To enforce on its own behalf, or on behalf of its members, any conditions, restrictions and charges at any time created for the benefit of all or any part of said property and the owners thereof, or to which said property or any part thereof may at anytime be subject, and to pay all the expenses in connection therewith.

  10. To fix the amount of any annual charge or assessment to which said property or any lot or parcel therein may be made subject in accordance with any Declaration of Restrictions applicable thereto, and to receive and collect such annual charges or assessments and enforce any lien which may be provided to secure the payment of same.

  11. To expend the monies so collected, received or derived from said annual charges or assessments in making the aforesaid payments and in paying and discharging the costs, expenses and obligations incurred by this corporation in carrying out any or all of the purposes of this corporation.

  12. To exercise such powers of control, interpretation, construction, consent, decision, determination, modification, amendment, cancellation and annulment with reference to the conditions, restrictions and charges now or hereafter imposed upon all or any part of said property as may be vested in, delegated to or assigned to this corporation, and such duties with respect thereto as may be assigned to and assumed by this corporation.

  13. To do and perform any and all other acts which may be necessary for or proper or incidental to the fulfilment of any of the foregoing purposes.

  14. To become a member of, partner in, or shareholder of any organization, association, partnership, joint venture, or corporation organized for the purpose of developing, improving or beautifying lands adjacent to or in the vicinity of said property, or for the purpose of planning the use of such lands, or for the purpose of creating recreational areas, parks, lakes, playgrounds, or other community facilities in the vicinity of said property.

  15. To have and to exercise all the powers conferred by the laws of California upon corporations formed under the General Nonprofit Corporation Law pursuant to and under which this corporation is formed, as such laws are now in effect or may at anytime hereafter be amended.